Glossary A to Z

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What is Plutus?

Plutus is a critical Cardano component that facilitates the implementation of smart contracts and decentralized apps on Cardano. Smart contracts are automated agreements that allow the transparent exchange of money, assets, securities, and other forms of value without the use of an intermediary. Plutus is a sophisticated programming language that enables programmers to create Cardano smart contracts. It is built on Haskell, a language that offers a rare blend of excellent security and high performance.

Plutus with Haskell will allow programmers to construct dApp, which can subsequently be safely and effectively run on the blockchain. Programs for Plutus operate in two separate settings:

The first one is a blockchain node, which will execute your financial contract once it is filed by a party interested in using it;

You can draft and test your contract locally on your desktop computer before sending it, which is the second option.

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