Glossary A to Z

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What is Satoshi?

Sats, which stands for Satoshis, is a unit of measure for Bitcoin. The pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is responsible for giving satoshi its name. Both SAT and S are frequently used as acronyms.

Sats are used to calculate a person's Bitcoin holdings and to conduct quick transactions. They are particularly helpful for tipping because one satoshi is so insignificant compared to other currencies. For instance, using sats makes it simple for someone to send a few pennies worth of Bitcoin.

The key distinction between Sats (also known as Satoshis) and BTC (also known as Bitcoin) is that Sats are the smallest unit of account on the Bitcoin network while BTC is the principal unit of account on the network. There are 100,000,000 Satoshis in one Bitcoin (Sats). Accordingly, one Satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 Bitcoin.

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