Glossary A to Z

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What are Keyloggers?

A keylogger, also called a keystroke logger, is a hardware device or a software program. It keeps track of and logs every keystroke made on a computer. Keyloggers are tools that hackers employ to collect private information such passwords, bank information, surfing histories, and private keys.

Keyloggers come in both hardware and software varieties. Hardware keyloggers attach to computers using cables, wires, USB ports, or integrated hardware (like a chip). They may also have a USB device that distributes malware to the victim's computer to track all information, or a camera that records keystrokes.

To gather information and screenshots, software keyloggers are placed on the victim's PC. Software keyloggers are sometimes challenging to find in web forms or APIs.

A hardware or cold wallet will keep your digital assets secure. You can track any keylogging activity on your device via a reliable antivirus program or anti-keylogger.

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